Mega Micro Galleries: Specialist “Battery” & Incendiary Soldier

Two more mini galleries roll in this afternoon, featuring some interesting entries in the Mega Construx Heroes Call of Duty lineup.

Incendiary Solider comes with a detailed fuel tank backpack for its flamethrower, which involves a very nicely done effect piece for the fire shooting out the nozzle, and it all looks fantastic when put together!

Click here for the Incendiary Soldier Micro Gallery

incendiary soldier 07

Next, Specialist “Battery” is named for the grenade launcher the figure comes with, I suppose. Surprisingly despite the bulk of that accessory, it doesn’t present much problem for posing which goes to show what good little action figures these things are! Plus Specialist “Battery” has a surprise that I didn’t even discover until I was shooting the photos: it’s another use of the female body type!

Click here for the Specialist “Battery” Micro Gallery

specialist battery 04These galleries debuted earlier this week on Patreon for patrons at the $2 level and up. Patrons will get early access to many galleries and posts, days before they go live for the general public. A $2 monthly pledge on Patreon is a small cost, but it helps me out with the site, and it gets you good content a little sooner than everybody else. It’s a win-win, so why not head over to the Patreon page and show your support?